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Sunday 31 July 2016

Salted Caramel Sauce Recipe | 焦糖醬

This caramel sauce is sweet, rich, creamy, buttery and homemade always better than store bought. It must be heaven to drizzle on ice cream, pancakes, bananas, apples, strawberries, and whatever you like, or just a drizzle of topping in the bottom of your cup is all it takes to make caramel coffee magic. Add freshly brewed coffee or espresso, stir, and enjoy. Yum!

• 1 cup (246g) sugar
• 1 tbsp cold water
• 300ml (300g) double cream
• 1 tsp vanilla extract
• A pinch of sea salt
• 1 tbsp light soy sauce

1) Heat sugar and cold water in a saucepan over medium low heat. Sugar will form clumps and eventually melt into a thick brown colored liquid. Be careful not to burn. Once sugar is completely melted, add the double cream, a pinch of sea salt and soy sauces. Set aside to cool. Pour it into jars and refrigerate for up to 2 to 3 weeks.

Helpful Tips:
1) Do not increase the heat to medium high or high heat.
2) Keeping a close eye on it.
3) If you don't inclination to stand at the stove for about 15 minutes to wait the sugar is completely melted, then you'll have to come back every 5 minutes.
4) Brown or cane sugar can replace to a regular sugar.
5) After making caramel, If has already hardened and fully solidify in the saucepan, fill the pan with enough water to cover the caramel, Bring to a boil on high heat and allow it to come to a simmer at least 10 minutes. Rinse the saucepan to remove the flaked off caramel. Scrub away any remaining caramel with a scourer. Mixing one tablespoon of white vinegar with warm water and rinse again,
and you end up with a perfectly clean pan though.

Recipe Source: JosephineRecipes.Co.Uk

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